Stay Wealthy San Diego

Financial Advisors (Part 2): The 5 Different Types of Advisors



Want to support my upcoming book and help improve financial literacy? To encourage your support, I'm running a "buy one, give one" campaign.  Here's how it works: Pre-order a copy of More Than Money (Kindle or physical copy) before Dec 31. Email a screenshot of your order to I will personally match your order and send you a second copy to gift to someone in your life. All net proceeds from the book are being donated to non-profit organizations dedicated to improving financial literacy and access to advice.  Pre-order your copy of More Than Money! *** Today I’m tackling part two of our series on Financial Advisors. Specifically, I’m breaking down the 5 different types of advisors (and who might be a good fit for each type). I’m also sharing some thoughts on paying for financial advice and measuring the value you receive. If you’re ready to continue learning about the world of financial advisors + how to make sense of the different types you can work with, today’s episode is for you.