
Designing creative energy with Cat Burgess



To Cat Burgess, energy is everything. It’s how you inspire the people around you, and it’s how you align your personal resources to the things you need to get done in work and life. She believes we need to move away from the idea of managing time, and into an era of managing your energy, focused on bringing the right energy to the right moment.  Cat is a highly skilled industry leader and brand strategist with more than 30 years’ experience at the forefront of design, branding and communications. She’s worked with Vince Frost for close to two decades, and in her current role as Head of Place at Frost*collective she is passionate about the transformational power of design thinking in shaping places.   She credits her decisiveness and ability to structure ideas into powerful brands to her start as a television journalist. And her appreciation of design to growing up in a house designed by prominent Australian architect Philip Cox, surrounded by ideas, with an artist mother who went to China on cultural exchange