3 Books With Neil Pasricha

Chapter 117: Ajay Agrawal and Gina Buonaguro on puzzling pasts and portending possibilities



On the heels of launching my latest book, Our Book of Awesome, I’m enjoying the fellowship of two authors in my life — one of whom I met 22 years ago when I was in my final year at Queen’s.   Bounding into my life at the time came a young professor named Ajay Agrawal. And I mean bounding! He was cold calling left, right and center,  dancing around the room, and extremely theatrical. As you listen to him you’ll see why I found him so captivating and clairvoyant.    Professor Ajay Agrawal has won Professor of the Year seven times! He’s like Canada’s Adam Grant. He is the co-author of the bestselling book, Prediction Machines: The Simple Economics of Artificial Intelligence, named one of the best tech books of the year by Forbes, The New York Times and The Economist. His latest book has just come out and it is called, Power and Prediction, also co-authored with Joshua Gans and Avi Goldfarb.   Ajay is a tenured professor at Rotman, a research associate at The National Bureau of Economic Research in Cambridge, Ma