Alliance Aces

53: The Future Belongs to Alliance Makers w/ Amit Tiwari



If you want to unleash the full potential of your partner network, building alliances is the name of the game. There are few people who know more about alliance building than Amit Tiwari, Vice President of Strategic Alliances & Systems Engineering at Affirmed Networks. Affirmed Networks is the leader in virtualized mobile networks, which brings together mobile operators, service providers app makers and more. Today alliances are driving technological like never before. "I've spent my entire career in service provider connectivity and mobility roles," says Tiwari. "This is a once in a lifetime kind of a transition, where you have virtualization, cloudification, and 5G-driven ubiquitous connectivity." If you listen to this podcast you’ll learn about: New exciting alliance landscape. Use cases will drive alliances. Making the ecosystem profitable for everyone. Upcoming joint go-to-market alliances. The future belongs to alliance makers.