[ 2 Bros In The Studio Show ]

Episode 12: Total Recall (Episodes 1-10)



#Salute to the creatives geniuses that you are! Check out the latest episode of The 2 Bros In The Studio Show: Podcast brought to you by Navada & Tobari | Powered by Haven House Music Group. This week the BROS. recap the first 10 episodes of The 2 Bros. in the Studio Show Podcast! Everything from who are the legends in this industry today, to Diagnosing the mental state of Hip-Hop & the marijuana culture in our nations capital! If you ever wanted to know what this show is about on a deep but concise level... check this episode out if just wanna get to know us a little bit better than you did yesterday. So if you want to learn about this show and this awesome content... Check us out the #2BrosShow now on Stitcher Radio, Google Play, and iTunes as well as YouTube and here on SoundCloud every Monday... and remember to like, comment, and share... cause #SharingIsCaring! and as always creatives... THIS ONE IS FOR YOU!