Herpetological Highlights

138 Evolving Anoles



The complexities of evolution poses constant questions. One of the most fruitful groups to look at when trying to understand evolution is Anolis lizards. They are well known for repeated convergent evolution, many species, and existing in a wealth of environments; so this episode we look at an example of what can drive that evolution. Also a cryptic viper for Species of the Bi-week. Become a Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/herphighlights Full reference list available here: http://www.herphighlights.podbean.com Main Paper References: Prates I, D’Angiolella AB, Rodrigues MT, Melo‐Sampaio PR, de Queiroz K, Bell RC. 2021. Evolutionary drivers of sexual signal variation in Amazon Slender Anoles. Evolution 75:1361–1376. DOI: 10.1111/evo.14230. Species of the Bi-Week: Zhang M-H, Shi S-C, Li C, Yan P, Wang P, Ding L, Du J, Plenković-Moraj A, Jiang J-P, Shi J-S. 2022. Exploring cryptic biodiversity in a world heritage site: a new pitviper (Squamata, Viperidae, Crotalinae) from Jiuzhaigou, Aba, Sichuan, China. ZooKe