By Faith With Christine Hoover

Ministry in a Transient Place (an interview with Brittany Brown)



The joys and challenges of ministry in a transient place are different from those in a traditional church context. Transient ministry requires detailed intentionality and remembering that God has entrusted people to you for only a short period of time. Brittany Brown understands transient ministry well, having walked alongside her military husband for nearly twenty years. She joins me today to provide insight into transient ministry and how embracing the movement has aided her in leading others towards Christ. EPISODE GUIDE 1. Embrace the unique challenges and movement of transient church plant ministry. 2. There are many joys in a transient church. BEST QUOTES “I think a challenge for us is raising up women to minister to the other women. At any given time, our church could be filled with 75% women and tons of little kids. Seeing that their needs are filled well can be a challenge. We have to walk alongside the elders to help minister to them.” — Brittany Brown “Our vision is to embra