Daily #daneish Test

231. How Do You Start Your Days?



Wake Up & be amaZing and Grab Your Daily #DANEish How do you start your days?  Do you get up when that alarm button goes off?  Or - Do you hang in bed with your phone checking your notifications before getting up?  Do you smash that snooze button repeatedly?  And then, once you get out of bed, how do you spend that first part of your day?  Is it calm & focused … or is it stressful & chaotic?   This used to be me fighting the snooze button every morning with my heart racing a 100mph. Can I make a suggestion, friends? Take control of your morning routine.  If you’re looking for more energy, vitality, positivity and looking to make a change in the outcome of your health & life - join us in the Create Your Life Collective where you will learn to take control of you days, weeks, months and years by creating a personal mission statement, determine your non-negotiable in life and create a vivid vision for your future. Yes, you can and will create your future. If any