Naptime Empires With Nikki Elledge Brown: Refreshingly Honest Conversations For Entrepreneurial Moms

The Final Countdown: An Update on Baby, Book, and Biz-Nesting [NE 067]



Big updates ahead! In this episode, which is basically like one big Voxer message from me to YOU, I share the scoop on all things baby (recorded in week 36-37 of pregnancy!), book (still cookin'), and biz-nesting. I share: What’s worked (what hasn’t) when prepping for baby - labor and delivery and fourth trimester healing, my vision for maternity leave this round (how it’s different from last time), how I’ve prepped on the biz side, and what to expect from the podcast over the next few months as I’m in book and baby bubble mode. On that note: Over the summer (2020) I had the chance to record a sweet batch o' conversations with biz buddies (and inspiring entrepreneurial moms) near and far. Pandemic and quarantine made for some interesting intermissions as we recorded... on all sides. ;) I'm grateful to share that I was able to muster the focus and brainwidth to prep the convos and show notes BEFORE going into labor; they're all lined up and ready to roll out over the next few months as I find my sea legs as a