

Once upon a time (at the start of summer 2021) I launched season four: BOOK MODE with the intention of tracking my journey to self-publishing. Then my friends came to town and shook that ish up.In this episode I’ll share why we’ve had a CHANGE IN PLANS over here, why it feels a bit scary to admit that out loud and in published form, AND what that means for coming episodes. Musings include, but are not limited to: - why I originally went down the self-publishing path - behind-the-scenes of a (probably life-changing?) late night summer sQuad convo - the power of finding one clear, inclusive goal that makes all your other micro-goals inevitable stepping stones (repeatedly) - why I’m a bit nervous to publish this episode :) - a simple yet super powerful exercise for more mindFULL, intuitive decision making - a detailed list o' the benefits and drawbacks I *currently* see to both traditional and self-publishing paths - subject to change as I gather more actual experience! Take a listen here or in your preferred po