Pursuit Of Bliss

Navigating the Void Part 3: The Unbecoming



Kristen is burning every area of her life to the ground and starting over. After going through the void Kristen was receiving signs the next chapter required her to move and she went through painful contractions during this phase that was preparing her for a rebirth. Kristen shares the new identity she had to accept, how she stopped abandoning herself and more! Topics discussed in this episode are: What does unbecoming feel like What arises after a deep emotional release What inspiration Kristen got after the death portal What sign Kristen received Where Kristen moved to How Kristen convinced herself to move What happened when Kristen put feelers out for a new home What Kristen compares the void to Signs life is preparing you for a rebirth What Kristen’s inner child needed to experience while in Costa Rica What Kristen was attached to being seen as What identity Kristen had to accept some people will see her as What happened when Kristen stopped abandoning herself What Kristen had to sacrifice in the unbeco