Diversity Stories

S03E22: Listening To The In-Between Part 2: Sensing Traces of Power(lessness)



In the three-part podcast series Listening to the In-Between we will put the rich practice of Deep Listening® into a broader context. In our second episode, Deep Listener Sharon Stewart invites us to participate in embodied rituals of attention, a practice of listening to or sensing aspects of power and powerlessness in the world that surrounds us. This reconnected her to the ground-breaking work of Audre Lorde, “Uses of the Erotic: The Erotic as Power”.   In 2021 we made the podcast-series Sounding Places / Listening Places, which is still available at Radio ArtEZ. In it we explored how sound and listening can contribute to realizing more sustainable and reciprocal relations with the earth. Back then, we already dipped our toes in the world of Deep Listening®. In the three-part podcast series Listening to the In-Between we will put this rich practice into a broader context.   In Part I, researcher and music journalist Joep Christenhusz explores Deep Listening, its connection to space and time, and the interr