Mike Seibert Radio

Episode 188: Baby it’s Cold Outside/Sony Censorship Policy/WWE



Returning guest co-hosts Killing Spree and Dave Sanders are back together with me for the first time, and by our powers combined, we get extra salty and give our scalding hot takes on a number of topics. NSFW. (please don’t play the drinking game with us) Watch “New Day Northwest” this Thursday, 12/13. Friend of the show, Ben Harpold will be a guest, talking about his Transformers/Bumblebee collection and promoting CybFest NW 2019. New Day Northwest airs on King 5 TV at 11 am PST locally, and streaming live on their website: https://www.king5.com/section/entertainment/television/programs/new-day-northwest Don’t forget the CybFest NW/Allied Seattle Bumblebee Holiday Giveaway - the deadline to enter is Saturday, December 15th And like the CybFest NW Facebook page for info about how you can also watch an advance screening of Bumblebee: https://www.facebook.com/cybfestnw/ CybFest NW 2019 is July 19th at the Kent Commons Community Center. More info at their website: http://www.cybfestnw.com/ Donate a new,