By Faith With Christine Hoover

Longevity in Ministry (an interview with Donna Gaines)



Living in long-term ministry requires a stamina that only comes from the Lord. Donna Gaines knows the secret to longevity in ministry lies in our intimacy with Christ, having spent the last 41 years as a pastor’s wife and ministry leader. She shares today how that intimacy has kept her going, even in the darkest times. EPISODE GUIDE 1. Longevity is achieved through intimacy with Christ, a support system of friends and mentors, and prioritizing your relationship with your husband. 2. The Lord has prepared work for you, not only alongside your husband, but of your own ministry as well. 3. When you feel discouraged, make it a priority to meet with God everyday. BEST QUOTES “When I receive my basic needs for love and significance in my personal relationship with Jesus Christ, I’m able to love my husband, my family, and my neighbor out of the overflow. When I love Him with my whole being, He fills me with His love for others. I’m able to love them out of that overflow instead of sucking life out of the