Ramsey Creek Baptist Church

Malachi 3:2-5 [Who Can Stand?] (11-13-22) - Audio



Jesus' first coming wasn’t to refine and judge, it was to redeem and give His life as a ransom for many (Mk. 10:45). Who can endure? Who can stand? The reality is, standing before the searching scrutiny of the righteous Judge, no one will be able to maintain a successful defense of their actions. We demand that justice be served, until we’re the ones who are accused. According to the metaphors of a refiner and a fuller, the goal wasn’t to destroy, but to purify. The fuller would clean and whiten clothing with soap and stomping out the dirt. The refiner would heat up the metal to remove the impurities. God Himself sits over the fire, laboring and waiting, scraping the impurities away over and over, till His own face shines back at Him - our sanctification.