Of Note

34: Jules Weldon and Stacey Pierce, Calculating Risk and Chasing A Dream



Most travelers are familiar with the frustration that comes with the packing and hauling portion of taking a trip. Two entrepreneurs decided it was time for a product that freed vacationers from the inconvenience of juggling and toting all of their equipment and belongings from their doorstep to their vehicle and the ultimate destination. OME Gear Co-founders, Jules Weldon and Stacey Pierce, developed a solution that supported their audience’s travel needs, while aligning with the brand’s vision and values. Entrepreneurs can sometimes lose sight of their central goal, while taking serious risks, making major sacrifices, and iterating their product to get it to market. Jules and Stace share how they navigated funding and industry challenges to design and develop a product that kept their mission in focus. They unpack what they’ve learned from building this sustainable, multi-functional product, a good-natured brand around it, and a strong network of fellow entrepreneurs, outdoor enthusiasts and interested con