Pursuit Of Bliss

Navigating the Void Part 1: The Initiation



Kristen took a 3.5 month break from the podcast when she entered the void back in September. In this episode Kristen shares the 4 stages of the void and the magical things that happened during her first stage, the initiation. Since going through this process every area of her life has been shaken up and she is sharing about it over the next few episodes.   Topics Discussed in this Episode: Why Kristen took a 3.5 month break from the podcast What Kristen calls the deep process she went through What is rare for Kristen to see people share online The 4 stages Kristen went through when she was in the void What happens when we shift internally What 2022 was like for Kristen before she entered the void What incessant thoughts Kristen was having that she tried pushing away The ways Kristen was purging What Kristen saw when she asked God for a sign What unexpected thing happened when Kristen and her best friend went on an adventure What happens when you ask God for something What magical thing Kristen and Hilay saw