Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

257. Loka Pandya: How To Connect With Childlike Joy



“I realized that joy is about working through your emotions, releasing your emotions, and also being intentional about your joy.”Loka Pandya is a motivational speaker, serial entrepreneur, a DeLorean collector, and a passionate life enthusiast who’s dedicated to deep healing work. In his work, Loka is on a mission to awaken the inner child joy that lies within all of us. Loka’s passion for igniting joy began after his mother died when he was 13. Almost overnight, Loka transformed from a highly competitive, ambitious teen into a young man who wanted to help others feel better. Over time, his overgiving character put him on a rollercoaster of extreme highs and deep lows. The pattern was exhausting. Loka succeeded in making the world happy, but inside, he was sad. In response, Loka threw the kitchen sink at his healing journey, trying every tool and modality he could get his hands on. This inner journey taught Loka that healing depended on his ability to feel his true emotions. He also learned you