True Crime Brewery

The Amish Stud: Eli Weaver



Barbara Weaver was raised in a strict Amish community where she learned to be caring and obedient.  She knew her future husband, Eli Weaver, from childhood.  They courted according to their church rules. But after marriage, Eli did not live up to the expectations of a devoted husband.  He left the community more than once and was repeatedly unfaithful, making life miserable for Barbara.Join us at the quiet end for The Amish Stud. In 2009, Barbara Weaver was living in a marriage with her five young children and a callous man.  But in the Amish community, divorce is virtually unheard of.  As Barbara tried to hold it all together, Eli became abusive.  He had several girlfriends and broke the Amish rules by using computers, cell phones, and even online dating apps.  But Eli’s behavior was not only hurtful and dismissive, it put a target on Barbara’s back.