Spaces Podcast

[EXPRESS] 'Through the Looking Glass'



Shawn Frayne, CEO and Co-Founder of Looking Glass Factory, a 3D holographic interface company that aims to improve the way we collaborate, live, learn, and interact with each other, joins us to share his insight and thoughts on the intersection of the real and digital worlds. We discuss what the metaverse is, the importance of various modes to access it, 3D holographic interfaces' imprint on the built world, and much more! With the growing chatter around the metaverse, its ruleset, business plans and the potential legislation to govern it, LGF stands as "part of the rebel force" against Big Tech’s goal to dominate it. Shawn strongly believes our digital futures should not be dictated by a one-world view. Rather, the metaverse must be communal with many ways to participate and enter. Thank you to our sponsors!InfratechInfratech outdoor comfort heating systems combine eco-friendly, ambient warmth with unparalleled design versatility, to add year-round comfort to the world’s most prest