Spaces Podcast

Pod Hotels: Stay Open



In this episode, Steve Shpilsky, CEO and Co-Founder of Stay Open, joins the show to discuss Pod Hotels, a type of hotel that features many small bed-sized rooms known as pods or capsules. They typically provide affordable, basic overnight accommodation for guests who do not require or who cannot afford larger, more expensive rooms offered by more conventional hotels. Stay Open takes a unique spin to the concept, creating pod hotel communities for digital nomads and travelers in repurposed buildings with a blockchain rewards program called Stay Pass NFTs. 20% of NFT funds stayDAO, the 1st nonprofit DAO set up to help under and unhoused people.You’ll hear about digital nomad life and co-living, demographics of users, characteristics of a pod, considerations - security, zoning, and life safety - that affect development, potential solution for affordable housing, business aspects, and much more!Stay Open | WebsiteSteve Shpilsky | TwitterAs heard on the show:Podcast: SPACES, Episode 8 | HotelsThank you to our spon