Easton Bible Church's Podcast

Episode 9: "Better Together" Spiritual Reality Check Week 9



Are you part of a group, job, family, political party, church, fanbase, etc. that seems unified? What makes them unified...or not unified?We live in an increasingly fractured and divided society. Rather than seeking to understand and find common ground through shared values and with an attitude of humility, many people have succumbed to fear, anger, and even hatred towards anyone who doesn't agree with them.And, sadly, that fracturing is taking place within the church as well. But for the church to be who God has called us to be- a light in the world pointing to Jesus- unity is not only possible, but essential. Blessings.Please contact us if you would like to be encouraged to be more of a light to the world around you. Or, perhaps you can help us become more like the light of the world we have been created to be. More info https://www.ebc.org or call (609.267.4755), email (office@ebc.org), DM us on Instagram or Facebook, or come see us in person at Easton Bible Church. Thank you for subscribing and sharing.#e