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Randy Chaffee Building Wins via Hybrid Selling



How to augment all the benefits of old-school in-person relationship building with a hybrid approach using technology. Randy Chaffee has 4+ decades as a Sales Professional in the metal roofing, post frame, and metal building industry. He is the Host of BuildingWins.LIVE, a weekly live-stream video podcast directed to the building materials industry. A proven promoter of his manufacturers’ brand, his personal brand, and his podcast brand Road Warrior Randy has mastered the hybridization of being an old-school Road Warrior with all the facets of the new normal. Virtual, videos, social media, and podcasts (hosting and guesting) have allowed Randy to practice his much-discussed philosophy of developing Force Multipliers Randy has combined the ability to augment all the benefits of old-school in-person relationship building with a hybrid approach using technology to his advantage. Website | Facebook | LinkedIn | LiveStream | Instagram