By Faith With Christine Hoover

Women in Leadership (an interview with Jen Wilkin)



How can women who have the gift of leadership operate in the church in a godly, biblical way? Today, author and ministry director Jen Wilkin shares her origin story–how she got where she is today–what her greatest challenges are in leadership, and what she wants the church to know about men and women serving together within the local church context. SHOW NOTES 1. If you want to use your gifting to lead in the church and the answer is currently “no”, continue to pray for open doors. 2. When your church is starting to place women in leadership, expect growing pains, but remember God intended for men and women to minister together. 3. Being who God created you to be is not a license to sin. BEST QUOTES “If there are not currently doors open, pray that the Lord will make a way and continue to put yourself out there as you’re able to. I know how hard that is, to be met again and again with “no.” But there is good, meaningful, and satisfying work to be done in other spaces if that door is cl