Pure Hope

Lori Spagna "Animal Communications"



 Lori Ann Spagna is a Best Selling Author, Speaker, Spiritual Catalyst, Intuitive, Guide, Mentor, Multi-Dimensional Channel, Animal Communicator, Energy Healer, Visionary, Lightworker and Starseed who has transformed the lives of thousands of humans and animals via her Channeled Ascension Guidance, Intuition, Sacred Energy Healing and Animal Communication and Telepathy.  Lori provides Transformational Experiences, Sacred Energy Healing, Dormant DNA Activtions and is founder of Lightworker Bootcamp Sacred Mentorship For Spiritual Seekers Who Want To FAST Track Their Spiritual Growth Using Metaphysical Tools And Sacred Energy Healing So That You Can Breakthrough Barriers, Heal And Transform Your Traumas, Live A Soul Inspired, Divinely Aligned Life And Become The You You Were Born To Be.  Get more information and FREE gifts from Lori here: www.LoriSpagna.com.