Those Conspiracy Guys

The Menendez Brothers



TRUE CRIME - On this episode we discuss a harrowing case of abuse and revenge; two brothers who killed their parents in a brutal and meticulously premeditated manner were paraded across the mainstream media as cold hearted killers. During the televised case however, the extent of the sexual and psychological abuse they suffered was described in sickening detail and the motivations for their actions became that much more murkily motivated. This time we are talking about The Menendez Brothers. Raised in an affluent California family, Lyle and Erik Menendez were what some would call privileged; but their upbringing was anything but idyllic. Their father Jose and mother Kitty were successful but cruel, and the very thing that made the brothers a success was the thing they despised. Verbal and psychical abuse was meeted out on them from both parents and when they finally snapped and killed them both in a shotgun bloodbath, the world looked on with disgust. Lawyer Leslie Abramson, who advocated for the boys in cou