Rei Marketing Nerds

Episode #188 - Mastering PPC and Land Investing with Jeremy Davidson



What if I told you there was a massive, untapped opportunity for every real estate investor sitting right beneath your nose?  Well, good news: There is.  Better news?  This untapped opportunity has a shorter sales cycle, has less advertising competition, and many investors don’t even know about it.  In this episode, Jeremy Davidson, owner of Davidson Land Company, joins me to reveal what this untapped market is and how to add it to your investing portfolio.  Listen now.  Show highlights include:  The most fulfilling and profitable real estate investment market that most investors ignore (3:23)  Why exiting the corporate world “cold turkey” to get into investing can cause marital problems (and the trick for overcoming them) (6:06)  The “Ground Underneath” secret for adding a new and untapped pipeline of opportunities to your real estate investing business (10:09)  How to average only 110 days on market from the time you buy a property to the cash hitting your bank account (12:10)  Why the land market is more