Lives Radio Show With Stuart Chittenden

Sara Gentzler S3E16



Journalist Sara Gentzler's motto is to “tell complicated stories simply.” Dedicated to opening up our seemingly inaccessible public entities, in the show, Gentzler shares some of the stories she has written holding government accountable to the people it serves and talks about the importance of journalism in her life and in ours. Gentzler's explorations extend into aspects of our lives that we stigmatize yet are part of the common human experience and she shares her passion project about (menstrual cup enlightenment). Gentzler is a reporter who has found her niche in holding government accountable to the people it serves. She will soon be the state government watchdog reporter at (Flatwater Free Press). Most recently, Gentzler worked at the (Omaha World-Herald), where she broke stories on Nebraska footing the bill (and refusing to admit it) for deploying state troopers to the southern border and the State’s practice of i