Perry Noble Leadership Podcast

Should A Christian/The Church Be Involved in Politics?



Episode Summary For years I said, "no" to the church being involved in politics. Our responsibility was to "Preach the Gospel.” After more consideration and examination, the church’s job isn’t just about getting people out of hell and into heaven. It’s about getting Jesus in our hearts and to transform us here on earth. That transformation includes becoming kingdom-minded with all areas of our life, including politics. 1) DECOMPARTMENTALIZATION When we ask Jesus into our life, we as Jesus to be “a part of our life.” We tend to compartmentalize Christ, but as a follower you truly can’t. He is a part of every area of our life from relationships to money, career, etc. Jesus didn’t die on a cross to only play a small part in our lives. And if Jesus is in us, then we need to view everything through the lenses of His eyes, not ours. Colossians 3:3-4 For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God. And when Christ, who is your life, is revealed to the whole world, you will share in al