Dnv Gl Talks Energy

Energy Transition Outlook 2017



A cleaner, more electrified world is within our reach by 2050. In this first episode, Ditlev Engel, CEO of DNV’s Energy business area, discusses the findings of our inaugural Energy Transition Outlook 2017, and highlights the developments that will drive the energy transition in the future. Profound changes in the energy sector are upon us, with topics such as electrification and energy efficiency leading the discussions. In this thought-provoking episode, Ditlev discusses the findings of our Energy Transition Outlook 2017, and explains why our independent forecast for the energy system takes a different approach. He also considers the rise of new technologies, and how cost will play a pivotal role in determining which of these will spearhead the facilitation of a cleaner future. Ditlev also discusses the balance between the rising demand for electricity and the overall reduction in demand for energy, and how energy efficiency is contributing to this evolution. *This episode was recorded live at the Singapo