Rei Marketing Nerds

Episode #187 - Growing an Inspiring REI Business with Henry Washington, Part 2



Social media either constantly sucks up your time and devours your energy, or it unlocks the ability to multiply your impact.  Most investors are trapped in the former. Why? Because there’s a basic misunderstanding about how to use social media to grow your business and impact.  Well, here’s the good news: Today’s guest, real estate investor Henry Washington, has cracked the code for rabid social media engagement. And in this episode, he reveals how to transform your social media into your best marketing strategy.  Listen now.  Show highlights include:  How to make your social media engagement explode through the roof with the “Face” trick (1:51)  The only 2 rules you need to follow to get rabid engagement every time you post on social media (2:46)  The powerful “you are the content” secret for transforming your social media from a time suck into your best marketing strategy (3:20)  How to capture both an Instagram audience and a Tik Tok audience (without doing any extra work) (11:53)  Why driving past old h