Inspired Choices ~ With Christine Mciver, Possibilities Coach

7 Stages Of Choice ~ Christine McIver



Inspired Choices with Christine McIver  Making a choice involves more than you may think – and each stage of the choice-making process is uniquely impactful in its contribution to realizing your ultimate desires. Becoming aware of the stages – and understanding how they contribute to what you actualize – will move you into choosing more effectively. You’ll begin to recognize which steps you are missing, and be able to add them back in, allowing you to expand the impact your choices have on your life and your business. In this show, ‘7 Stages Of Choice,' Business Optimization Expert Christine McIver will share each of the essential stages of choice and guide you towards including them more easily in your creation process.  Free Master Class: Do This, Don't Do That *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! Strategic Business Package ~ More About Inspired Cho