A Duck In A Tree

A Duck in a Tree 2022-10-08 | The October Gates



    The 535th of a series of weekly radio programmes created by :zoviet*france:   First broadcast 8 October 2022 by Resonance 104.4 FM and CJMP 90.1 FM   Thanks to the artists and sound recordist included here for their fine work.   track list … :zoviet*france: - A Duck in a Tree Link 535a 00 Katja Institute - Intro 01 San Gabriel - SGG TS2 D 02 LR Friberg - Hope Prevails 03 Haarvöl + Xoán-Xil López - The Coeval of a Former Time to Come 04 Lawrence Shove - Mole Calls, United Kingdom, 1960s 05 Vidna Obmana & Jeff Pearce - Still Unknown 06 Kissy Suzuki - Suspended on a Rock 07 [unknown sound recordist] - Leptodacylus 08 Harold Budd & Clive Wright - Exit Plan (Perfume) 09 Nigul - Cendra 10 Mondo Skull - Transmutation 11 Stephen P. McGreevy - STE-030 12 Fossil Aerosol Mining Project - The Familiar Instrument ++ Katja Institute - Outro … :zoviet*france: - A Duck in a Tree Link 535b