Arden First Baptist Church

The Genius of Generosity - Audio



The Genius of Generosity: 4 Generous Principles about New Testament Giving How is generous giving genius? 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 1. A genius giver understands the law of the harvest (v. 6, 10). Genius Giver Thought: I will practice generous giving because I know that God is the one who provides both the seed and the harvest. My job is to trust God’s goodness and sow the seed generously and expectantly. 2. A genius giver plans their giving strategy (v. 7a). You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving! Genius Giver Thought: When you are living forgiven, set free, and are walking in the newness of the Spirit—you are living by a higher standard, not a lower standard than that which was prescribed by the law. The tithe is a good starting point of reference (not a law or a command)—but grace should motivate you not to put limits on what God can do THROUGH you and your giving! Tithing is like the training wheels of grace giving, but generosity should be our goal! Christia