Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

193 Dancing Through Intensity: 5 Practices to Stay Sustained In Busy, Challenging, or High Output Times



Did you know that the word "busy" means "meddlesome" and "interfering" and everytime we use phrases like, "I am so busy" or "I am too busy too,," we pushe away the exact connection or support we both need and desire during intense times.  Or how putting up our busy badge is disempowering and isolating vs empowering and connecting?  Or have you ever considered how you navigate intensity when you either actively engage in it or it unexpectedly find yourself standing the midst of it? In the decade plus of my research for what became the book Overwhelmed and Over It, and is one of the root of my feminie leadership work is this: Instensity is part of life. Intensity is not good or bad, although some kinds of intensity feels so much more empowering than others. It's what the tools we have for navigating within the intensity that make all the difference. In your life, there will be times you choose intensity. And there will be times when the intensity happen to you - out of your control or desire. Most of us have