Tribe Byron Bay

Episode 125: Phil Mason - Kingdom Series - The Kingdom, the Power and the Glory - 25 September 2022



In this message in our ongoing series on the Kingdom of God, Phil explores the words of Jesus at the close of the prayer He taught His disciples to pray. “For Yours is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.” (Matthew 6:13) What is the relationship between the coming of the kingdom and the glory realm? Jesus is the King of glory and there is no kingdom without a king. We were made to be radiated by the glory realm of heaven and to be transformed through encountering Christ’s glory. A great spiritual battle rages around the unveiling of the glory of Christ. Satan has only one weapon against the revelation of the glory of God in the face of Christ. He seeks to blind our eyes through unbelief in order to hold us in captivity to darkness. This battle is played out daily in every church. The spirit of religion seeks to keep a veil over our eyes lest we encounter this King of Glory. Christ’s call to discipleship is a call to encounter the King of Glory and to be transformed by His glory. His call to