Sober Cinema

1992 at the Movies: 1492 CONQUEST OF PARADISE



Thirty years of a Frenchman playing an Italian discovering America. But not really. Perhaps even less impressive than the discovery of this great country is the decision to cover not one but TWO Christopher Columbus movies from the year of 1992. Mistakes were made. Such as: One host continuously mistaking one Scott brother for another. This is a Ridley Scott joint, not Tony's. Sad. Returning guest Tangible Teddy continues to hate Italian accents. He also hates former guest Dave Giannini. Okay, so maybe that last one isn't a mistake. Enjoy! Support what we do on Patreon with bonus episodes and even more afterparties (you have been warned.) Listen: Apple Podcasts/Spotify/Amazon Music/Google Podcasts Facebook/Instagram/Twitter: @sobercinema Follow your hosts on Letterboxd for sneak peaks at film criticism GENIUS: Jairo @truebromance Jared @jgdotson Mike @projectingfilm Find out more at This podcast is powered by Pinecast.