Unspoiled! Orphan Black

Orphan Black, S0405- Raw Human Material



I'm really excited to see Krystal again despite being a little dubious about how she's returned to the story. Because Krystal is my new fave, and I just enjoy any time she's on-screen. This episode went in so many directions that I didn't expect, and I actually really enjoyed all of it. Well, almost all of it. There are some things (like the final makeout scene) that I definitely squirmed uncomfortably through, and there are some definite "I guess they still aren't surveilling Fe's place" moments that make me a little crazy. I won't lie, the combo of Fe not being under surveillance and there seeming to be no cameras in a lot of areas where there definitely should be cameras...well, it feels too convenient and it's really starting to get under my skin. But I guess I'm just going to have to come to terms with that.The whole deal with Brightborn is the absolute creepiest thing, right? I am just so flipped out by the whole thing, from the top-tier customer service aspect that makes the whole thing feel like nothi