
Ep. 15: The Green Transition – A Green Deal for the People Part 2 (Documentary)



When it comes to climate policy, it probably won’t come as a surprise to most that the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 is one of the weakest bills that has ever been passed. Not only does the bill actually lock us into more fossil fuel production — it’s really just more weak neoliberal policy that will lead to more inequality. The bill is also an incredibly anti-democratic piece of legislation. It provides tax breaks to businesses to incentivize renewable infrastructure — but it says nothing about if, when, where, or how this will happen. How about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal? Although it’s been relegated to the purgatorial graveyard of left-leaning policy — its framework is still our best bet out of this mess, right? Well not exactly. We’ll explore the benefits of AOC’s Green New Deal vision but also explain its limitations and outline exactly where it falls short.  So, then, what would truly just climate policy look like? In this episode — the second in our 2-part series on the Green Transitio