Rei Marketing Nerds

Episode #185 - Building a Compelling REI Brand With Sunday McIlwain, Part 2



One of the biggest mistakes real estate investors make is with their branding and positioning.  Most investors want to appear like a professional corporation because they think it’ll impress clients. But this usually backfires and repulses your ideal customers.  What’s the secret for building a compelling REI brand then?  Today’s guest, founder of Black Girls Buy Houses and branding expert, Sunday McIlwain, has the answer.  In this episode, you’ll discover how to build a compelling REI brand by using your personality. And Sunday reveals how to use your social media to find new audiences and magnetize them to your brand.  Want to play the real estate investing game on “easy mode?” Listen now!  Show highlights include:  2 sneaky strategies that make people drool over the idea of selling you their house (and why most investors are terrified to do it) (1:22)  The weird way coming across as too professional repels your best clients (2:04)  The “Scum Lord” secret for making your wallet fatter while improving your