Life Coach And Author Sheri Kaye Hoff

Creativity in Building Courses



Meet my guest- Cindy Weaver, she is an online course creator who has been in the Education Industry for over 25 years. In addition to her course business, she is an author of a memoir and numerous writing journals which she designed and published. She is a leader and co-owner of "Sacred Mountain Journeys" which offers retreats in the mountains of CO near her home. She hosts her podcast, "The Sacred Pen" which is about all things writing and living a joyful, courageous life. Through her many years as a teacher she has developed skills in course planning, teaching, training, leadership and communication. Course Magic Designs offers services that include a strategic, in-depth 1:1 course planning workshop, full course build-out with graphics that support the content, and audit for “already-existing,” unsuccessful courses. The Sheri Kaye Hoff Show for living joyfully in your life and biz.