Ccbb: Dr. Bernard Beitman, Md

CCBB: Matthew Zylstra, PhD - Synchronicity in Nature



Matthew Zylstra is an integral ecologist with over 15 years of international experience in research, education and facilitation of collaborative social-ecological change processes. Matthew has co-founded several conservation-oriented organizations, and currently serves as a founding director for the Organisation for Noetic Ecology aimed at “re-imagining the human~nature relationship”. Matthew is a research and education associate with the Sea Change Project and lead instructor for Wildlands Studies, and since 2009 has led academic field study programs across Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Matthew completed transdisciplinary PhD research (2014) through Stellenbosch University which explored how meaningful experience and nature connectedness supports transformative education for sustainability. He has published several scientific articles and peer-reviewed chapters, presented at numerous conferences and authored the creative iBook “Cave & The Contemplator”.Matthew also holds a Master’s in Environm