Breaking Bread Podcast

Disagreement in Marriage: When Spouses Don’t Share the Same Ideals



Disagreement in marriage is real. Anyone who is married understands the wisdom of being “equally yoked.” Fortunately, Christians are “equally yoked” on the basis of faith in Christ. Yet, there are many other ideals, values and dreams we might not be so “equally yoked.” In this episode of Breaking Bread, Kaleb Beyer gives us a path forward for finding unity in the midst of the conflict this reality brings. Show notes: Background: Conflict around values and dreams are uniquely challenging because of the deep-seated nature of the held beliefs. Consider the examples below: Spouse A believes that family time should be protected and abundant. Spouse B believes that people should be community oriented. Spouse A believes that the house should be neat and orderly. Spouse B believes that the house should be “lived in” and not necessarily tidy. Spouse A believes money should be shared, spent and not hoarded. Spouse B believes money should be saved. Good biblical and wise argumentation can be given on either side of the