Daniel Duwa

Conversation with Daniel Duwa  -  Slevi Radhakrisna Cheria - Life Partnerships - Coupling A Successful Business



Conversation with  Daniel Duwa  -  Slevi Radhakrisna Cheria - Life Partnerships Slevi Radhakrisna Cheria  My guest today is a small yet growing percentage of entrepreneurs who have taken what I would call the high rope act of building lasting businesses while also working with their life partners. Their company Business Sherpa is a coaching business that Slevi and her husband Akshay run together both as business partners but also as husband and wife. It is this dichotomy of where work begins and life starts and vice-versa that is super intriguing and how they are navigating these waters. Slevi opens up about life, work, struggles, and successes so far. I think there is a masterclass that we could all benefit from emulating.  Thank you Slevi. Some of these stories have existed on different platforms, media outlets and in different formats, they will be available on this feed from now on. Please subscribe so that you are notified as soon as a new episode is available. Also, like, comment, share