Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

250. Raj Jana: My Eight Year Journey To Self Love & Liberation



“Even though on paper I had all the markings of someone successful, I didn't feel it. That really confused me.” As a 250th episode special, I wanted to share all the lessons I’ve learned from investing multi-six figures and thousands of hours into my personal journey to create a life of alignment and liberation that I feel so grateful to be living today. When I started this podcast, I had no idea about the journey I was about to take. The journey to internal liberation isn’t easy. My life has changed entirely since releasing my first episode in 2017, but the path to this point has been riddled with the most extreme highs and lows. The game of BEING is confusing because it’s filled with guesswork, detours, and setbacks.But hindsight brings clarity. As I reflect over the past eight years (and the thousands of dollars and hours I invested), I’m clear on what worked and what didn’t. I’m now confident about what levers to pull and where to focus my time, energy, and resources so I can keep