Love University




Do you really love yourself in an authentic way? Loving yourself authentically means that you have a deep understanding and appreciation of who you really are.  You accept yourself as you are without excessively judging and criticizing yourself.  For many people, authentic self-love is difficult because they judge themselves harshly and push themselves too hard. The solution is to have balanced self-love, in which you love and forgive yourself, while recognizing your areas of needed improvement.  Here’s how to practice self-love in a healthy and powerful way: *Write a self-love letter.  Write a letter from the perspective of your future self. Write as if your future self is asking your present self an important question:  Am I living my most authentic, healthy, and love-filled life right now? Perhaps, you’re not living healthily right now—eating the wrong foods, indulging in bad habits.  Maybe, you’re not living an authentic and loving life because you’re in an incompatible relationship or career. If that’s t