Jerry Banfield

YouTube solution for the Facebook problem in social media marketing (Alternative)



The problem with Facebook is lack of long term benefits. Using YouTube solves this problem. You might know me as the Facebook ads guy and you might find it shocking that I have turned off all of my own Facebook ads to make room for investing in YouTube. The data I share with you will show why you have huge opportunities waiting for you on YouTube even if you don’t have a clue about how to make videos or want to make videos. YouTube is your best chance for a high long term return on your investments now with social media marketing. The bottom line is that Facebook is too competitive today while YouTube is consistently growing and competition is still light in most areas. Perhaps more importantly, being successful on Facebook gets you nearly nothing in the long term while having people watch your videos on YouTube leads to higher search result rankings and more long term traffic. If you make a popular post on Facebook, you might get some immediate traffic to your website or a few extra likes for your pag