Jerry Banfield

10 Steps to Making $10,000/month online



Step 1 to making $10,000 or more online: Begin with a vision of what you want to work for that is bigger than you. Making $10,000 per month online is hard to get started with and hard to keep doing right. You will need your vision of what you work for to carry you through the rest of the steps when they get challenging. You can work for God, a better world, your spouse, or your next new car. Your vision is what keeps you going when the next nine steps are difficult. The less your vision depends on you and the more your participation is part of working for a collective cause, the better chance you will have to succeed and grow quickly. I work for God as I understand Him first. I work for sharing love, hope, and faith second. I work for my wife third and then to give more people opportunities after that! --- Support this podcast: