Jerry Banfield

How do I accept my limitations with how many people I can be friends with



How do you accept your limitations? For most of my life I had a hard time accepting my limitations. This led to me taking on more than I could handle in both my life and business. When I first started my business I took on as many clients as possible. It got to a point where I could barely convert new clients, and many of my existing client were not satisfied with the quality of my work. How many times have you done something like this in your personal life? You can only juggle so many things at once, and sometimes we take on more than we can handle. The more you try and do, the lower quality of work you will do across everything. However, not having enough responsibility can also be negative. Often when we don't have enough to do we will overly fixate on things. When I first started working online I wasn't a part of very many communities, and this led to me over-fixating on problems and the relationships I did have. I am thankful for the people I have the opportunity to work with online, and for having a sup