Jerry Banfield

Understanding and dealing with people that are hot and cold



How do you deal with people that are hot and cold? How many people do you know that seem to be completely different when they are in an emotional or aroused state of mind? A good example of this concept is students in a classroom setting versus students at a party. For example, students would be cold in a classroom setting. If you asked a student if they would binge drink at party they would most likely say, "No, I would never do that." However, if you put that same person in a heightened state of arousal, they may act differently. I experienced this first hand with gambling. It was easy to avoid gambling in a cold state of mind, but when I was drinking or having a good time with friends, it became harder to resist. I try to live in a persistent warm state so I am open to the world. A warm state of mind helps me be more consistent as far as my behavior with friends, family, co-workers and encounters with new people. I have noticed that life is really hard when you are constantly role playing to a situation in